Keep a few for yourself in handy spots to help you remember to pray the Angelus morning, noon and evening--or on your commute to work, at lunch and on the commute home.
Alternatively, just save the image to your phone (it's missing the concluding prayer, but the Angelus dialogue itself is quite enough!).
Eventually, I hope to restore the print-it-yourself Word documents that you can print on business card paper so you will always have cards to give away... (I don't know what happened to the files I had created for this purpose, and my commitments now don't really indicate that I'll be able to get to this any time soon.)
Sister, the wiki link for the front and back Angelus cards is no longer active. I would love to get these to print and pass out. Please let me know when the new link is up or I can send you my email address. Thanks!
Sigh. The formerly free service went pay-only at the end of May. I will upload it to another service...soon!
OK, try now.
Hi Sister! It looks like the download link is just pointing to the image of the icon itself! Do you still have the .DOC of this prayer card?
Thank you!!
Yikes! Let me see what I can do....
GBouck, I am unable to find the original file (odd, since I am fanatical about making backups). I will need to redo this from scratch. It may be a while. Sorry.
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