For the feast of St. Joseph, Mary probably wouldn't mind a bit if we tweaked the Angelus prayer to remember the important role her spouse played in the work of redemption. Indeed, if Mary is called co-Redemptrix as the woman closest to Christ, Joseph was the man closest to Christ throughout his formative years. He helped "form" Jesus for his messianic vocation. The "St. Joseph Angelus" honors him for this, using (as does the more typical Angelus prayer) the words of Scripture:
The Angel of the Lord declared unto Joseph--
--And he did as the Angel instructed him.
Have no fear to take Mary your wife into your home--
--for she has conceived by the Holy Spirit.
She is to bring forth a Son--
--and you are to name him Jesus.
Pray for us, O Blessed Joseph,
--that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that by Saint Joseph's intercession
your Church may constantly watch over
the unfolding of the mysteries of human salvation,
whose beginnings you entrusted to his faithful care.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
You might also enjoy:
St. Joseph, Help for Life's Emergencies ("The essential guide to St. Joseph"; site includes e-book links);
The Mystery of Joseph (more substantial reading);
Joseph, the Man Who Raised Jesus
(this is a new one, Sr Anne hasn't reviewed it yet herself).
Papal Documents: By John Paul II (
Guardian of the Redeemer); John XXIII ("
Voices from every part"); Leo XIII (on
Devotion to St. Joseph); Pius IX ("
As Almighty God...").
The St. Joseph page
Te Joseph Celebrent
sung by the Daughters of St Paul