Monday, January 5, 2015

Pondering the Angelus with Art

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, The Annunciation (1660-1665)

As the New Year begins, a prayer to Our Lady that the mystery that began in her on the day of the Annunciation will reach its fullness:

You who gave birth to the Word made Flesh,
be present among us:
assist, inspire and comfort the ministers of the Word.

You who are Queen of the Apostles,
intervene with your protection
that the light of the Gospel
may reach all peoples.

Mother of Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life,
intercede for us
that heaven may be filled
with souls who sing the hymn of glory
to the Most Holy Trinity.

(Blessed James Alberione)

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About the Angelus Project

We rightly admire Muslim neighbors and co-workers who put everything on hold five times a day in answer to the "call to prayer." But Christians have a call to prayer, too! It is the Angelus. Morning, noon and evening we are invited to pause and reaffirm our faith in the Incarnation: The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (Jn. 1:14), because "God so loved the world that he sent his only Son" (Jn. 3:16).
The Angelus Project is a personal project of Sister Anne Flanagan, FSP, a Daughter of St Paul. Find out more about the media ministry of the Daughters of St Paul at

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