You would think that after curating this site for six years I would have run out of Annunciations. I was thinking the same thing.
And yet.
Here is a new-to-me artist, Rudolf Bacher, with his Ave Maria, circa 1890 from the Moravian Gallery, Brno:
We rightly admire Muslim neighbors and co-workers who put everything on hold five times a day in answer to the "call to prayer." But Christians have a "call to prayer," too! It is the Angelus. Three times a day, we are invited to pause and reaffirm our faith in the Incarnation: that "God so loved the world he sent his only Son" (Jn 3:16).
You would think that after curating this site for six years I would have run out of Annunciations. I was thinking the same thing.
And yet.
Here is a new-to-me artist, Rudolf Bacher, with his Ave Maria, circa 1890 from the Moravian Gallery, Brno:
This is a detail from a Triptych of the Annunciation by the "Master of the Legend of Saint Ursula," a Flemish artist circa 1450-1550.
For Subscribers:
The service that has been delivering the weekly posts will be shutting down soon, so I am working on a new (equally free) method. You may notice an interruption of delivery. Or a duplication. Or...I might not manage at all. We'll see!
Sister Anne
It's time for El Greco! Here is his 1592 Coronation of the Virgin, from the Museum of the Prado.
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Image ©Museo Nacional del Prado |
By the Maestro de las Once Mil Vírgenes comes this breathtaking Coronation, created in 1490 (one year before Ignatius Loyola was born!).
See those flame-like creatures behind the throne? Those are seraphim. ("Seraph" means "fire.")
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Image ©Museo Nacional del Prado |
In the spirit of May crownings, this week's image is not a traditional Coronation of the Virgin, but something more "homely," a true coronation, nonetheless! This image is from the website of Mary Garden Showers, a ministry that offers showers for women in crisis pregnancies: baby showers for women who choose to raise their babies, and "blessing showers" for women who choose adoption for their children.
Please visit the Mary Garden Showers website to learn more about their beautiful and valuable service, and to support it in any way you can, whether through a donation, or by participating in a local baby shower, starting a chapter in your state or region, or simply promoting this movement through your social media networks. You can also purchase prints of this lovely picture.
From Easter to Pentecost, pray the Regina Coeli (in place of the Angelus) three times a day: morning, noon and evening.
Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Alleluia!
R. For he whom you deserved to bear, Alleluia!
Has risen as he said, Alleluia!
R. Pray for us to God, Alleluia!
Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia!
For the Lord has truly risen, Alleluia!
Let us pray:
O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
grant, we beseech thee, that through the intercession of his Mother, the Virgin Mary,
we may obtain the joys of everlasting life.
Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.