Sunday, January 9, 2022

Praying the Angelus with Art: This Week's Image

According to the blog Indigenous Jesus, Indonesian artist Nyoman “Darsane was born in 1939 to rice farmers, but was raised and educated in the local ruler’s palace with one of the princes. As a result, he learned Balinese culture and religion (Hinduism), and also became a musician, dancer and puppet player. When Darsane later studied art at Universitas Diponogoro in Java, he met a Christian woman who became his wife. Darsane returned to Bali as a professional artist and Christian. As he sought ways to combine Balinese arts with the message of the gospel, his motto became 'Bali is my body. Christ is my life.' He was rejected by his family and community after becoming a Christian, though he has recaptured much of his family’s respect due to his attempt to remain Balinese in his Christian art and life.”

In addition to producing art, Darsane mentors artists as an advisor to Narwastu.

Darsane has created several Annunciations inspired by the culture of Bali. That is very apparent in his 2002 painting, entitled, "The Angel's Whisper." It is based on a sacred dance tradition in Bali in which only young maidens can participate. According to the blog Global Christian WorshipGabriel "is a wayang figure. He blows/whispers into Mary’s ear through a lotus that he holds in his hands.”

The Angel's Whisper by Nyoman Darsane

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About the Angelus Project

We rightly admire Muslim neighbors and co-workers who put everything on hold five times a day in answer to the "call to prayer." But Christians have a call to prayer, too! It is the Angelus. Morning, noon and evening we are invited to pause and reaffirm our faith in the Incarnation: The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (Jn. 1:14), because "God so loved the world that he sent his only Son" (Jn. 3:16).
The Angelus Project is a personal project of Sister Anne Flanagan, FSP, a Daughter of St Paul. Find out more about the media ministry of the Daughters of St Paul at

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